Prezenta lui Hoang Nghi in Romania a reprezentat pentru Clubul WuDao o oportunitate pentru a il invita sa sustina un stagiu in cadrul cursurilor de Kung Fu, invitatie pe care maestrul Nghi a primit-o cu entuziasm.
In zilele de 9 si 11 aprilie 2013 Hoang Nghi, cunoscutul cascador, actor si instructor francez, a condus antrenamentele la Clubul WuDao, unde a adunat practicanti ai stilului Wu Tao Kung Fu pe parcursul celor doua seminarii, in cadrul carora maestrul a predate tehnici specifice stilului Wu Tao Kung Fu traditional.
Prima sedinta, organizata marti, 9 aprilie la sala din Crangasi, a oferit cursantilor prilejul de a se familiariza cu exercitii de lupta si tehnici de aparare inspirate din stilul animalelor: dragonul, sarpele, cocorul sau tigrul. La finalul acestui prim seminar, cativa elevi ai Clubului WuDao au prezentat taolu-urile invatate in cadrul cursurilor de Kung Fu: Ji Ben Quan, 18 Forme, San Chi Tao…
Cea de-a doua sedinta, desfasurata in ziua de joi, 11 aprilie la sala din Militari, a inceput in forta, cu o incalzire dinamica si interactiva, care a stimulat cursantii si i-a pregatit pentru invatarea celei de a doua parti din taolu-ul Hanh Tinh Quyen, pe care maestrul Nghi il preda la cursurile sale din Franta. La final acestui seminar, maestrul Nghi a impresionat audienta cu o serie de miscari realizate cu Daoshu, preluate din taolu-urile cu care a castigat titluri pentru Franta la campionatele nationale, europene sau internationale de Wushu.
Cele doua seminarii cu Hoang Nghi au fost foarte utile pentru Clubul WuDao intrucat prezenta acestuia a presupus cunoasterea unui cascador foarte apreciat pe platourile de filmare de la Hollywood (maestrul Nghi realizeaza cascadorii pentru Jet Li si a jucat alaturi de Jackie Chan, Luc Besson, Jean Reno printre altii). Totodata, maestrul a insuflat incredere elevilor clubului WuDao din Bucuresti, demonstrand ca practicarea artelor martiale traditionale poate aduce performante excelente in timp si poate contribui la mentinerea tineretii si a moralului ridicat.
Degajat, atent, concentrat si intotdeauna pregatit sa glumeasca sau sa improvizeze, acesta este stilul maestrului Hoang Nghi atat la sala cat si in afara acesteia. Ne bucuram ca am avut ocazia de a organiza acest stagiu si pentru ca avem multe de invatat de la acesta, ne propunem sa il mai invitam si cu alta ocazie la cursurile Clubului WuDao.
Hoang Nghi’s presence in Romania represented an opportunity for WuDao Club for inviting him to sustain a seminary within its Kung Fu courses and Master Nghi received this invitation with enthusiasm.
On 9 and 11 April, 2013, Hoang Nghi, known as a French stuntman, actor and instructor, led the trainings of WuDao Club, where he gathered practitioners of Wu Tao Kung Fu, during the two seminaries where the master has taught techniques specific to traditional Kung Fu style.
The first training session, organized Tuesday, 9 April in Crangasi training room, offered the participants the opportunity to familiarize with fighting exercises and defense techniques, inspired from animals’ style: the dragon, the snake, the crane or the tiger. Towards the end of this first seminary, several students of WuDao Club presented the taolus that they have learned during the regular Kung Fu classes: Ji Ben Quan, 18 Forms, San Chi Tao…
The second session, which took place on Thursday, 11 April at the Militari training room, started with a strong, dynamic and interactive warm up, which stimulated the participants and prepared them for learning the second part of the taolu Hanh Tinh Quyen, which master Nghi teaches at his courses in France. At the end of this seminary, master Nghi impressed the audience with a series of moves, conducted with the Taoshu (broadsword), inspired from the taolus with which he won titles for France at the national, European and international Wu Shu competitions.
The two seminaries with Hoang Nghi were highly useful for WuDao Club, because his presence meant knowing one very appreciated stunt artist on the Hollywood movie sets (master Nghi performs the stunts for Jet Li and he played together with Jackie Chan, Luc Besson, Jean Reno, to name a few). Moreover, the master instilled trust to the students of WuDao Club from Bucharest, proving that practicing traditional martial arts can bring excellent performances in time and it can contribute to maintaining the youth and a high moral.
Relaxed, attentive, focused and always quick with a joke or an improvisation, this is the style that master Hoang Nghi approaches in the training room and outside this space. We are glad that we had the opportunity to organize this seminary and because there are so many more things to learn from master Nghi, we are intending to invite him another time to the classes of WuDao Club.