Wudang Kung Fu workshop with Master Ismet Himmet

apr. 19, 2014 | Seminarii si demonstratii

Wudang Kung Fu workshop with Master Ismet Himmet

apr. 19, 2014 | Seminarii si demonstratii

english languageEnglish

Romanian languageRomanian

Wudang Pai, also known as Wudang School represents a complex system of practices addressed to both the body and the spirit. This system has been transmitted from generation to generation by the daoist masters throughout centuries until the present times. Wudang Pai comprises numerous disciplines, such as calligraphy, the study of the ancient writings, music, martial arts, Qigong and meditation.

Master Ismet Himmet is an European teacher with an extended martial arts experience, specialized in the styles practiced in Wudang region. Ismet Himmet practices martial arts for 28 years. His expertise includes: Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Kickboxing, Wing Tsun, Shaolin Gingfu. Since 2001, Ismet Himmet starts practicing intensively the Wudang Pai martial arts style and the spiritual practices of this school. He has been accepted by the great Master You Xuan De as his disciple and friend. He won many medals within the Taijiquan competitions, and since 2010 he started to teach the Wudang Pai system especially in China and, within intensive seminaries, also in Europe.

Ismet Himmet is the first foreigner who had the initiative to open a martial arts academy in Wudang Mountains from China, for intensively teaching the Martial Arts Principles.

Within the seminary that Ismet Himmet will sustain in Bucharest there will be explained and practiced fundamental elements that form the martial and spiritual practices of Wudang Pai style, such as:  the explanation of Yin-Yang principle and the application of Yin-Yang phases in the martial techniques, the practice of Ba Gua Triagrams as forms of attack and counter-attack during the fight, the definition of the theory of the five elements, which create and destroy each other, etc.


Friday – Part 1: Yin Yang Expression – What is Si Xiang of the Body – What is Ba Gua of the Body – 36 Sections of the Body.

Saturday and Sunday, Part 2 and Part 3 – 48 Sections of the Body – 64 Sections of the Body – Fajin – Fali – 5 Elements – Astral Qi

The entire seminary will comprise 15 hours and will be organized according to this schedule:

Friday: 19.00 – 22.00

Colegiul Tehnic Carol – Crangasi Area

Adress: Str. Porumbacu nr. 52, sector 6, Cartier Crangasi

Transportation: Subway Crangasi, Tram 41, Bus 178

HARTA – click aici!

Saturday and Sunday: 10.00 – 13.00 / 14.00 – 17.00

Scoala Generala nr. 172 – Zona Drumul Taberei

Adresa: Aleea Parva Nr. 3-5, sector 6

HARTA – click aici!

Participation Fee:

450 lei or 100 E

Last subscription until 9 May 2014

The participation fee can be paid at one of our courses or through bank transfer (in lei), mentioning the name and the scope (Wudang seminary 9-11 May 2014)

Asociatia Clubul Sportiv Wudao

Fiscal code: 28149950

IBAN: RO29BTRL04601205W43430XX

Banca Transilvania, Sucursala Militari

Contact and subscriptions:

Mail: kfwutao@gmail.com

Tel: 0722.784.229


All participants to the seminary who are not members of the club will benefit of a 50% discount in their monthly courses for a period of 3 months if they will pay the participation fee by 1 May 2014. The ones who will pay after this period will have a 50% discount for a month.

The discount will be applied in the period 13 May – 13 July 2014 for the membership that includes 3 sessions per week. Instead of paying 110 lei, there will only be paid 55 lei.

Within Wu Tao Kung Fu course we study Wudang Kung Fu style.

Registration and booking

[contact-form 9 „Seminar mai 2014 Ismet”]


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Wudang Xuan Wu Pai – artele martiale si spirituale din Wudang

Biografia Maestrului Ismet Himmet – Wudang Pai

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