In luna ianuarie, Clubul Sportiv WuDao a primit vizita lui Sascha, unul dintre instructorii scolii Maestrului Ismet Himmet. Sascha a sustinut pentru membrii avansati ai CS WuDao un seminar de initiere in practica sabiei.
De-a lungul timpului, Sascha si-a consolidat o vasta experienta in artele martiale, specializandu-se pe practica sabiei, in stilul WuDang Pai – WDP. Sascha este la a treia vizita in Romania, iar interactiunea acestuia cu Clubul Sportiv WuDao a inceput din 2014.
Mult-asteptatul seminar de sabie a avut loc in perioada 9 – 11 ianuarie, cumuland 8 ore de antrenament in zilele de vineri, sambata si duminica. Seminarul a presupus notiuni introductive de sabie, ce a permis acomodarea practicantilor cu manuirea sabiei, intrucat pentru multi dintre ei a fost prima interactiune cu aceasta arma. Totodata, in cadrul sedintelor dedicate initierii in sabie, Sascha a predat si cele 13 principii din sistemul WuDang Pai. Pe langa pozitii specifice stilului WDP, cei 13 participanti la acest seminar au deprins inlantuiri de miscari si tehnici folositoare pentru invatarea ulterioara a formelor de sabie.
In acest scop, vom pregati un nou seminar de sabie in luna aprilie, tot sub coordonarea lui Sascha, adresat tuturor membrilor clubului interesati de invatarea tehnicilor de sabie si nu numai, in cadrul caruia ne dorim sa acumulam noi cunostinte si practici WuDang Pai Sword.
Prezenta lui Sascha in Bucuresti a presupus si participarea acestuia la cursurile generale ale CS Wudao, in cadrul carora acesta a predat Dragon Palm, o tehnica specifica scolii maestrului Ismet Himmet. Totodata, de-a lungul unei saptamani, am avut prilejul de a interactiona si socializa cu acesta atat in activitati formale cat si informale. Vizita lui Sascha in Romania ne-a bucurat, am descoperit o personalitate plina de haz si optimism si un instructor profesionist, care preda cu usurinta si placere. Pe curand, Sascha! 🙂
In January, the Sportive Club WuDao received the visit of Sascha, one of the instructors of Master Ismet Himmet’s School. Sascha sustained a seminary for the advanced members of CS WuDao, initiating them in the sword practice.
Across time, Sascha consolidated a vast experience in martial arts, specializing in the sword practice in WuDang Pai style. Sascha is at his third visit in Romania, and his interaction with our club started in 2014.
The highly expected sword seminary took place during 9 – 11 January, cumulating 8 hours of training on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The seminary consisted in introductory notions in sword practice, which allowed the accommodation of the participants with handling the sword, as for many of them it was the first interaction with this weapon. Moreover, within the sessions dedicated to sword initiation, Sascha also taught the 13 principles of the WuDang Pai system. Besides the positions specific to WDP, the 13 participants to this seminary learned chained movements and techniques that will be useful for learning sword forms in the future.
In this sense, we will prepare a new sword seminary in April, coordinated also by Sascha and addressed to all the members of the club and others, interested in learning sword techniques. Within the new seminary we also intend to acquire new knowledge and practices of Wudang Pai sword.
Sascha’s presence in Bucharest also implied his participation at the general CS WuDao courses, where he taught the Dragon Palm, a technique specific to the Master Ismet Himmet’s school. In addition, along one week, we had the opportunity to interact and socialize with him, both in formal and informal activities. Sascha’s visit in Romania pleased us; we have discovered a personality full of joy and optimism and a professional instructor, who teaches with ease and pleasure. See you soon, Sascha! 🙂
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