“I felt welcomed when I arrived in Bucharest. The sun and the people are warm and inviting and I mostly appreciate how people are always so hospitable.”
WuDao Club invited Sasha to Bucharest for an intensive sword seminary, which offered us the opportunity to deepen our sword skills and to learn an exciting taolu, the Dao Jian – Elixir Sword. Across three days (15, 16, 17April), 20 Kung Fu practitioners learned the “fancy” movements of the WuDang sword style, which combines stylish stings with wide and graceful cuts, soft and sophisticated Taiji moves with swift and explosive factions.
Dan Jian Elixir Sword is based on 32 movements, with names bearing traditional connotations. Purple Chi, Cloud Sword, Pi or Dragon Sword are just few of the movements incorporated in this complex sword taolu. Although the 32 sword form is quite complex, it is very harmonious and refined. For some of the people taking this course, it was their first interaction with the sword. Still, it was not difficult learning the Dan Jian, because our instructor was very well prepared, with accurate explanations on how to perform each movement.
Like a child learning the first steps, Sasha guided us throughout the 32 movements, correcting every one of us and joyfully responding to the clarifications requests. Following his own words, “The students are as good as the teacher is”, everybody learned the Dan Jian sword form, which demonstrates his great energy and capacity to transmit elaborated information.
While maintaining the traditional line of teaching Kung Fu, Sasha’s style is playful and relaxed, making the practitioners feel comfortable around him. This is why the formal training from the gym continued on the dance floor and we also got the opportunity to show him some of our surrounding sights. We enjoyed Sasha’s presence in Bucharest and will happily like to welcome him back again.
“M-am simtit binevenit de cum am ajuns in Bucuresti. Soarele si oamenii sunti caldurosi si primitori. Ce apreciez cel mai mult este faptul ca oamenii sunt mereu ospitalieri si prietenosi.”
Clubul Sportiv WuDao l-a invitat pe Sasha la Bucuresti pentru a sustine un seminar intensiv de sabie, care ne-a oferit oportunitatea de a ne aprofunda aptitudinile pentru sabie si de a invata un taolu incitant – Dan Jian, Sabia Elixir. De-a lunul a trei zile (15, 16, 17 aprilie), 20 de practicanti Kung Fu au invatat miscarile elegante de sabie ale stiluli WuDang, care combina intepaturi fine cu taieturi cuprinzatoare si gratioase, miscari lente si sofisticate de Taiji cu factiuni rapide si explozive.
Taolu-ul Dan Jian Sabia Elixir este compus din 32 de miscari, ale caror denumiri au conotatii traditionale chinezesti. Chi-ul Violet, Sabia Norilor, Pi sau Sabia Dragon sunt doar cateva dintre miscarile care fac parte din acest taolu complex. Desi aceasta forma de sabie este destul de complexa, este totodata foarte armonioasa si rafinata. Pentru unii dintre participantii la acest curs a fost prima interactiune cu sabia. Cu toate acestea, invatarea taolu-ului Dan Jian nu a fost dificila, deoarece instructorul nostru a fost foarte bine pregatit, cu explicatii clare si precise referitoare la executarea fiecarei miscari.
Sasha ne-a ghidat de-a lungul celor 32 de miscari, corectandu-ne pe fiecare in parte si raspunzand cu placere intrebarilor clarificatoare. Potrivit propriilor sale cuvinte, “Elevii sunt la fel de buni precum instructorul lor”, toti participantii la seminar au invatat forma de sabie Dan Jian, ceea ce demonstreaza energia si capacitatea sa de a transmite informatii elaborate.
Desi mentine linia traditionala de a preda Kung Fu, stilul lui Sasha este jucaus si relaxat, determinand practicantii sa se simta confortabil in prezenta lui. De aceea, antrenamentul formal din sala a continuat pe ringul de dans; in plus, am avut ocazia de a ii prezenta cateva obiective turistice din imprejurimi. Prezenta lui Sasha la Bucuresti ne-a facut placere si ne vom bucura sa il intampinam din nou, in viitor.