Clubul Sportiv WuDao a organizat in zilele de 15 si 16 martie 2014 primul seminar dedicat taolu-ului Hoang Nam Hanh Tinh Quyen. Un numar de 21 sportivi ai clubului, mari si mici, au asimilat in 8 ore de curs cele 86 de forme ale acestui taolu.
Creat de maestrul Hoang Nam, acest taolu este astazi predat si practicat la cursurile de Kung Fu din Antibes, sustinute de maestrul Hoang Nghi, care a transmis formele taolu-ului si elevilor Clubului Sportiv WuDao, in urma cu un an.
Particaparea la seminarul dedicat taolu-ului Hoang Nam Hanh Tinh Quyen a presupus invatarea miscarilor de baza care compun cele 86 de forme, practicarea formelor prin intelegerea aplicatiilor de lupta si totodata cresterea coordonarii si a sincronizarii, esentiale pentru dobandirea unei practici martiale.
Taolu-ul Hoang Nam Hanh Tinh Quyen a fost repetat in grup, individual si cu partener, iar rezultatele au fost pe masura efortului depus. Astfel, la sfarsitul seminarului sportivii participanti au sustinut demonstratii, prezentand in pereche forma completa a Hoang Nam Hanh Tinh Quyen.
The Sportive Club WuDao organized on 15 and 16 March 2014 the first seminary dedicated to Hoang Nam Hanh Tinh Quyen taolu. A number of 21 club members, junior and adults, assimilated in 8 hours the 86 forms comprised in this taolu.
Created by Master Hoang Nam, this taolu is nowadays taught and practiced at the Kung Fu courses from Antibes, sustained by Master Hoang Nghi, who also transmitted the forms of this taolu to the students of WuDao, one year ago.
Participating in this seminary dedicated to Hoang Nam Hanh Tinh Quyen taolu meant learning the basic moves that compose the 86 forms of the taolu, practicing the forms by understanding the fight applications and also it meant increasing the coordination and synchronization of the participants, essential for achieving a martial practice.
Hoang Nam Hanh Tinh Quyen taolu was repeated in group, individually and with partner, and the results were comparable with the efforts made. As such, at the end of the seminary, the participants sustained demonstrations, by presenting with partner the complete form of Hoang Nam Hanh Tinh Quyen.
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